
Testing the Leviathan

On June 2nd, the company that employs me will have shuffled me off the corporate coile. Meaning, of course, I will have been laid off of my position.  The company's decision was an act born of logical necessity, being born of a need for efficiency and balanced sheets.  The corporation, being in a strong and competitive industry, bestowed upon me the boon of a generous severance.  This, along with years of moderate, but by no means fanatical, financial prudence allow me the luxury of a year's sabbatical. This year will be one of experimentation in freedom.  It will be borne upon a motorcycle, one I have owned for fourteen years.  Gone will be the urban condominium.  Gone will be the discipline of the forty-plus hour work week.  Gone will be the familiar sights and sounds that have occupied me these seven years in Boston. Without the standard constraints that, perhaps, fill the requirements of the social contract, it remains to be seen if a meaning will be found to fill